Registry Cleaners Good or Bad?

In my opinion, if you are using a Registry Cleaner with a view to speeding up your system, it may not really help. If your registry had been corrupted or has a problem, it is unlikely that using a registry optimizer will make that problem go away. But if you are trying to remove the residual registry junk; yes it has its own uses! One may use a Registry Cleaner only if one is into regular installing and uninstalling of software. However, I have seen no harm in using some safe registry cleaners once in a while. I do so too, maybe once a month. Among freeware I have had no problems with CCleaner. But still one cannot always be too sure! CCleaner v 2.21.940 registry cleaner broke the Windows 7 context menu item. This was of course immediately fixed in the next version, by the good folks at CCleaner. Incidentally, here is Microsoft’s take on Registry Cleaners: We had earlier mentioned a link which has Mark Russinovich saying, So using a safe registry cleaner occasionally to clean out registry junk might be a good idea. But do not expect any real performance gains after using a Registry Cleaner. And in any case, in Windows 7 & Vista, parts of the Registry have been virtualized, and hence unlike in Windows XP, it does not tend to suffer from bloat, as such! Incidentally, not many may be aware that Microsoft offered their own registry cleaners like RegClean, RegMaid – which were discontinued a long time back, and also its Windows Live OneCare registry cleaner, which was discontinued more recently. You may be interested in knowing that generally speaking, Microsoft does not support the use of Registry Cleaners in Windows. What is your take on Registry Cleaners? Do you use them?  If so which ones do you recommend? Do you think they are of any use? I’d love to hear your views on this one!