Visual images like charts and graphs also help to highlight the important facts which can be easily remembered and understood. Charts are most often used in business and for daily assignments allowing you to easily see trends and comparisons in a visually appealing way. Whether you want to deliver a presentation to frame a report, charts take an important role in visualizing a complex data analysis to your audience. Nowadays, Google Sheets is considered a viable alternative to Excel for its online accessibility from any device. Like Excel, Google Sheets includes various features to automate tasks and increase productivity. This web-based application lets you generate charts like any other spreadsheet to convey facts to the audience. It features a wide range of graphs and charts which you can choose for free to convey data in a visually appealing way. In this article, we explain how to automatically generate charts in Google Sheets.

Generate Charts in Google Sheets

Launch Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet or open an existing sheet. Fill the sheets with data into the cells and organize the numerical facts with a column header. Navigate to Insert and select the option Chart from the drop-down menu. A chart editor window pops up.

Click the option Setup in the chart editor window.

In the Chart type field, select the type of chart you want to create from the drop-down menu. Google Sheets provides 30 variety of charts that you can choose to create for your data. In the Data range field, select the range of cells that you want to be displayed on the table. You can either choose to manually enter the range or use the pointer to select the data range. Once the data range is entered, click OK.

Google Sheet will now create and display a chart with all the data selected from the range of cells in the sheet. Now if you make any changes to the data in the sheets, the chart will be automatically updated with the new results without having to create a new chart for the updated value. You can also change the type of chart for the same data easily in Google Sheets. To change the chart type, double click on the chart. This will open a Chart Editor menu. Go to Setup and in the Chart type field select a new type from the drop-down menu. Click OK, and the Google Sheet will transform the chart into a new chart style for your data.

Customize charts in Google Sheets

Additionally, Google Sheets allow you to fully customize your charts based on the data. The customizing options allow you to configure the chart series, style, background color, axis labels, legend, and more. To customize the chart, double click on the chart and select the Customize tab in the chart editor window.

The window displays options like Chart style, axis titles, series, axis labels, gridlines, and many more which you can choose based on the type of chart you want to create. Click on any options which you want to configure and apply the changes. All the adjustments you make in data and charts editor are automatically updated without having to repeat the entire process. The changes are reflected without you having to even refresh the page. Hope this helps.