First, you can enter the file navigation path like this: D drive > Folder-name > File-name.Second, you can follow this guide to get the link within moments. Here we have explained three different methods, and you can follow any one of them to get it done.
How to create a link to File or Folder in Windows 11/10
To create a link to a file or folder in Windows 11/10, you have the following ways:
1] From the context menu
It is probably the easiest way to obtain the link of a file or folder. However, this option is available in Windows 11 only. Therefore, if you are using Windows 11 and want to copy the file path or link, you can find an option in the context menu. To explain more, right-click on the file or folder and choose the Copy as path option.
Next, you can paste the file path or link anywhere you want.
2] Using Properties
If you are using Windows 10 or any other older version, which doesn’t have the Copy as path option in the right-click context menu, you can follow this method. It is one of the most common, and it’s been there for a long time. You need to right-click on the file and select the Properties option. Next, copy the Location on the clipboard and paste it somewhere.
Then, copy the entire file with the file extension and paste it at the end of the file location. For example, if the path is C:\Users\username\Desktop and the file name is my-file.docx, the entire path will look like this: After that, you can copy the entire path and paste it anywhere you like.
3] Using Network access
It is a different kind of method, but it works smoothly on any version of Windows. Whether you use Windows 11, Windows 10, or any other, you can follow this guide to copy the file or folder path. To get started, you need to right-click on the file or folder and select the Give access to > Specific people.
However, if you use Windows 11, you need to click on the Show more options to find the Give access to menu. Once the Network access window is opened, click the Share button. If it asks you to turn on the network discovery, you do not need to do that. Instead, click the Cancel button. Then, you can find a window like this:
You can click the Copy button to copy the file link in your clipboard.
How do I create a link to a folder in Windows?
To create a link to a folder in Windows 11 or Windows 10, you can follow the aforementioned guide. There are three different methods you can follow to create or get the path or link to a folder or file. The easiest way is by using the Copy as path option in the right-click context menu.
How do I create a link to a file in Windows?
To create a link to a file in Windows, you can go to the Properties menu and copy the Location first. Then, paste the entire file name with the file extension at the end of the location. Once done, you can copy the entire path, which will represent the file or folder you selected. That’s all! Hope this guide helped. Read: How to change Copy name extension for Files and Folders in Windows?