How to know who is attending a meeting in Outlook?

Once the meeting is created, you become the meeting organizer. Being an organizer, you now have access to details that the attendees do not have. You can check the status of the attendees as required. You can use their email addresses in addition to their responses for email when needed. Follow the next steps to track the attendees:

Please note:

An attendee is not required to send any response. Hence, if they have not recorded a response, you cannot track their attendance using the Outlook Calendar app. You can contact the invited participant who has not responded yet.Only a meeting organizer can view the tracking option. If the meeting is organized using Microsoft 365, attendees who are using it can view the meeting.

Printing meeting attendee lists

When the list of attendees is longer than you can remember, then a printed list can come in handy. Follow the next steps to get a list and print it.

There is no option yet to check the date and time stamp of the attendees.  In case you need an attendee’s timestamp, you can check and save email notifications received to keep a record of when you received the responses. Summing up Microsoft Outlook is useful in planning a meeting of any size and, the Tracking option can help you track your attendees. You can easily organize a meeting with attendees from five to five hundred and still track how many attended. Try the above instructions to track your attendees. Do let us know in case of any suggestions.

Why the attendees are not showing up in the Outlook meetings?

There could be several reasons why the list of attendees is not populating. Try to look for basic problems such as poor internet connection. Without access to the Internet, Outlook won’t be able to download data from an IMAP account or the Exchange. However, it is also recommended to reset the Calendar view by restarting the program.

How to see who has accepted a meeting in Microsoft Teams?

It is possible to see who has accepted the meeting in Microsoft Teams. For this, follow the next steps: Unlike Outlook, in Microsoft Teams, you can see who is attending the meeting, even when you are not the Organizer.