If you often use Microsoft apps over Google apps or anything else, Outlook Calendar seems to be a great choice to manage schedules. Whether you are a student, businessman, teacher, office employee, or anybody else, Outlook Calendar can help set things up so that you do not forget anything important. As of now, you might have used this service just as a calendar. However, it is also possible to use this app as a to-do list management app. For that, you need to keep in mind that a to-do list app has several things or aspects. For example, a typical to-do list app, such as Google Keep, allows you to set the category of your task, create a list of tasks, set reminders, etc. For your information, Outlook Calendar has all these features, but you might have overlooked them while using it in the past. That is why this guide will help you teach how you can use all those options so that you can use Outlook as a to-do list app.

How to use Outlook Calendar as To-Do list app

To use Outlook Calendar as To-Do list app, follow these steps: To learn more about these steps, continue reading.

1] Add emoji in the title

At times, you can recognize the type of task by seeing the title. However, if you start inserting emojis, it would be easier for you to identify a particular task. The best thing is that you do not need to take the help of any third-party app since Outlook Calendar lets you insert emoji in the title. The next big thing is that it scans the title automatically and tries to show an emoji accordingly. For example, if you say “happy birthday” in the title, it automatically displays a birthday cake. However, if it is not showing any emoji or you want to change the emoji, you can click on the emoji icon and select one as per your requirements.

2] Set category of your task

You can include school, college, office, work, personal, etc., tasks in one app. The best way to organize them is by using categories. By default, Outlook Calendar has several categories that you can use, change, or delete as per your needs. For that, you need to click on the Categorize button and select a category that you like. However, if you want to add a new category, click on the New category option, enter a name, choose a color, and click the Save button.

Bonus Tip: You can also use different calendars to organize your personal and professional tasks.

3] Enter bullet points/numbered list

You cannot think of a to-do list app without bullet points or numbered lists. Can you? That is why Outlook Calendar lets you insert bullet points as well as a numbered list in any entry. It makes things simpler for those who want to create a list of groceries, things you need to buy, do, or anything else. For that, you can click on the text box while creating an entry on Outlook Calendar and select the Bullets or Numbering option.

4] Set reminder

If you cannot set a reminder for a task, you should not consider the tool as a to-do list app. Luckily, Outlook Calendar has the option to set reminders whenever you want. It is possible to continue getting reminders all day or at a specific time. If you want to get reminded at a particular time, you need to set the date and time accordingly. On the other hand, Outlook has another option to show notifications before 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc. You can set such reminders by clicking the Remind me option.

5] Repeat reminder

Let’s assume that you need to take medicine every alternate day, and you often forget about that. In such situations, you can use the Repeat feature of Outlook Calendar to get a reminder notification whenever you want. You can set daily, weekly, monthly, or custom reminders for any task. To do that, click on the Repeat menu, and select a type of repetition. To set a custom reminder, you need to choose the Custom option and set the date and time as per your requirements.

There is no official method to connect Microsft To Do List with Google Calendar. But it is possible with the help of third-party services. You can take advantage of third-party automation services, like IFTTT, Zapier, etc. Both of these automation services have free and paid plans for users. You can select the plan as per your needs.

Does Microsoft To-Do integrate with Outlook Calendar?

Yes, you can integrate Microsoft To-Do with Outlook Calendar. Whether you use it on the web or mobile app, you can integrate Microsoft To-Do with Outlook Calendar. However, you need to use the same Microsoft account to use both accounts. That’s all! Hope this guide helped. Read: How to sync Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar using free software.