Side Search is available in Google Chrome version 107.

How to use Side Search in Google Chrome on Windows PC?

In this post, we will show you how to use Side Search in Google Chrome on Windows 11/10 PC. When you search Google for some information, it displays a list of results. You can click on a result to view it or open multiple results in different tabs. Side Search eliminates the need to switch between tabs or press the back and forward buttons to view what’s inside each search result. It does that by dividing the tab screen into 2 panels. The left panel displays what you originally searched on The right panel displays the content of a search result when you click on it in the left panel.

1] Enable Side Search in Google Chrome

To use the Side Search feature in Google Chrome, you need to first enable it on your Windows PC through Chrome flags. These are special settings that can be used to test the experimental features of the Chrome browser. Once you enable the Side Search, a ‘G’ icon appears on the left side of the address bar when you open a link from Google search results. This icon can be used to access the Side Search functionality in Google Chrome.

Follow these steps to enable the new Side Search feature in Google Chrome: If you can’t find the flag, you need to update Google Chrome and then try.

2] Use Side Search in Google Chrome

The ‘G‘ icon remains invisible by default even if you enable it in Chrome. To view the ‘G’ icon, go to and type (for example) The Windows Club in the Google Search Bar. You will be shown a list of results. Click on a result to open it in the browser tab. You will now see the ‘G’ icon on the left side of the address bar. Click on this icon to access the Side Search panel. Now click on a link on the left panel to preview it in the right panel.

You can use the Search Bar on top of the Side Search panel to change the search keyword (or keyphrase) or use an alternate search method (such as Google Images, Google Videos, etc.) to modify the search results.

3] Disable Side Search in Google Chrome

If you don’t like the Side Search feature, you may disable it using the same Chrome flag. Go to chrome://flags/#side-search and set its value to Disabled. Relaunch Chrome to apply changes. This is all about the Side Search feature in Google Chrome. Hope you find this useful.

How do I search on side in Chrome?

To enable the Side Search feature in the Google Chrome browser, open a new browser tab and type chrome://flags/#  in the address bar. Then type ‘side search’ in the search bar on top. Chrome will show search results in real time. Change the value of the Side Search option to Enabled, by clicking on the dropdown next to it. Click on the Relaunch button that appears at the bottom to finalize changes.

Is there a sidebar in Chrome?

Yes, Google Chrome offers 2 different sidebars. A Search Panel, which appears on the right side of the browser tab and shows items in your reading list and bookmarks. And an experimental Side Search, which appears on the left and enables you to browse through different Google search results while being on the same tab. Both of these sidebars reduce the need of opening multiple tabs, thereby minimizing the load on system resources. Read Next: Fix Google Chrome screen flickering issue on Windows.