Today we’re going to look at four tools that were designed with viewing and managing Chrome cookies. From our point of view, these tools are very easy to use; therefore, folks should not experience a steep learning curve at all, even if you’re the biggest novice around. OK, so the tools we’re going to talk about are as follows:

View & delete Cookies in Chrome with ChromeCookiesView

It should be noted that this tool is portable, so there’s nothing to install. Just unzip it, locate the file, and open. Once it’s up and running, users will see a blank screen, but in a short moment, it should be populated with all the cookies from your Google Chrome web browser. You don’t have to launch Chrome to see your cookies, and that’s one of the reasons why we like this tool. Not only that, it shows how many cookies are there, and the amount selected if you’re planning on deleting just a few. The user interface is old school, but we’re not too concerned about that because it simply means the software will likely perform well instead of eating up a lot of system resources. At the top, you’ll see named tabs and seven buttons designed for various tasks. The first button is for deleting selected cookies, and that’s why it’s a red X. The other is for saving selected cookies, you know if that’s something you want to do. Since ChromeCookiesView does not show new cookies in real-time, you’ll have to click on the refresh button to see what’s up.

View & delete Cookies in Firefox with MZCookiesView

When it comes down to MZCookiesView, it’s designed for Mozilla Firefox, and since it’s designed by the same folks who behind ChromeCookiesView, you’ll find that most things are the same, so don’t go in expecting a huge difference in terms of features and the overall looks. Probably the main difference is the ability to choose a user profile and select cookies file and folder. From what we can tell, the Chrome version is lacking these features, and that’s fine. As it stands, then, if you follow the same steps above, you’ll have no problem in mastering MZCookiesView.

View & delete Cookies in Edge with EdgeCookiesView

Here’s the thing, we’re not going to talk much about this tool because it’s the same as the Google Chrome version, and we’ve talked about that one already. Just know for a fact that EdgeCookiesView, which is designed for Microsoft Edge web browser, tends to work quite well from our testing, which is good enough.

View & delete Cookies in IE browser with IECookiesView

For those who are still using Internet Explorer, bear in mind that Microsoft wants you to stop from doing this crazy thing. Internet Explorer is no longer secure enough for the web, and the fact that there are better alternatives available, we’re surprised why anyone would want to continue. But if you’re the hard-headed type, then you’ll want to give IECookiesView a shot to manage your cookies. It’s more or less the same as the Firefox version. You can download all these tools from

How to view   delete Cookies in Chrome  Firefox  Edge  IE browser - 73How to view   delete Cookies in Chrome  Firefox  Edge  IE browser - 34How to view   delete Cookies in Chrome  Firefox  Edge  IE browser - 6How to view   delete Cookies in Chrome  Firefox  Edge  IE browser - 60