New features in Java 10

So, what’s all new in Java 10? Firstly, a great deal of attention has been rightfully focused on the newest features of Java, including the introduction of-

RootCorbaHotspotJaxpJaxwsJdkLangtoolsNashornPreviously available in JDK 9 were merged into a single repository to perform an atomic commit across repositories of inter-dependent changesets.

Grall Java-based just-in-time compiler Lastly, Graal which lets programmers create runtimes and compilers for new or existing languages in Java has been enabled as the Grall Java-based just-in-time compiler to be used in an experimental fashion on the Linux/x64 platform. Oracle promises it will continue to offer long-term releases on a regular basis and at regular intervals. For more information, refer to this page.